2022 Week 3

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Market update hazelnuts


Turkey- In August 2021, the starting crop price for 11-13mm natural hazelnut kernels was around 6.680 USD/ton (5.72 Euro/ton). However, the end of the year 2021 Lira went through major crisis and these prices varied producing a great deal of concern in the market.

After unveiling a new economic program Turkish market has once again started to export hazelnuts into the new season. As of 09.01.2022, Turkey has successfully exported 165,069 tons of hazelnut. Significantly higher than last year of 110,023 tons, however, lower than the previous year 2019/2020 season with 173,434 tons.

Since the end of December, the TMO has not purchased hazelnuts. They are said to have purchased approximately 70,000 tons of in-shell hazelnuts in total.
Since December, TL/USD values have remained quite volatile. However, stability in the parity appears to have been attained, and this is reflected in large purchase request movements around the world.