Aggiornamento del mercato Settimana 15: Disastro da gelo di albicocca

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Apricot frost disaster in Turkey, Spain and France

APRICOT FROST REPORTS- Apricot Frost has happened in certain apricot orchards in Malatya, which is home to 8 million of Turkey’s 17 million apricot trees and is renowned as the “apricot capital of the world” owing to nighttime temperatures below zero.  This year,  exports have decreased by 1.5 percent, but the average price has increased by 34% during the same period.

Furthermore, due to a shortage of carryover from the previous season, a rise in demand is expected for early shipments.

Apricots of Baronnies: two thirds of the harvest lost
Out of the 12,000 tons expected this year, only 4,000 tons should be spared, which means that two thirds of the harvest would be lost, according to the Baronnies Apricot Union. The sixth year with frost for these producers who are still hoping to obtain their PGI in order to bounce back.

Apricots, both in Aragon and Catalonia, have been the most affected by the impact of the frosts recorded at the end of week 13 and the beginning of week 14.  The volumes harvested in these areas, which account for more than 70% of the Spanish production, will be significantly reduced this year.