APPLE- NFC/Concentrate/Puree/Puree Concentrate

Apple juice (NFC), apple juice concentrate, apple puree and apple puree concentrate for beverages and formulations in food industry

Apple is offered in a variety of forms for formulation of various products, including snacks, sauces, and beverages. It is also used to replace corn syrup and sugar as a sweetener.   Because of the apple’s versatility, various types of concentrated products are possible.


Apple is used in a variety of forms in the formulation of various products, including snacks, sauces, and beverages. It is also used to replace corn syrup and sugar as a sweetener. Because of apple’s versatility, various types of concentrated products are possible.

Ekoterra offers apple as juice concentrate, NFC (not from concentrate), puree and puree concentrate to provide final goods with the right taste and color. To suit the expectations and demands of clients, a range of acidity can be produced. Quality and availability are assured in accordance with the specifications and contract to be made before the season starts.

Apple Juice Concentrate70 BxLow Acidity1.1-1.7%(weight-weight)
Medium Acidity1.7-2.1%(w-w)
Deionized AJC70Bx
Apple Puree12-14 Bx0.2-1.0% (w-w)
Apple Puree Concentrate30-32 Bx02-1.0% (w-w)

Conventional / Organic qualities available

Product Specification-Conventional Apple Juice Concentrate Specification

Product Specification-Organic Apple Juice Concentrate Specification

Organic certification in accordance to:

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